Drinks and juices with pulp and particles


Beverages with chunks or smaller particles are very popular in Asia and the Middle East.

Processing applications for​ particles drinks

Beverages with chunks or smaller particles are very popular in Asia and the Middle East. These products can be cloudy and thick, smooth or with larger particles - implying a range of different challenges. For example, when adding fruit pieces, how do you ensure they remain intact and are evenly distributed? 

We have several techniques and over 25 years' experience in making particulate products like soups and sauces, as well as juices and particle beverages. We can help you pasteurize the particles safely without overcooking the carrying liquid, and ensure you get the most out of your expensive raw ingredients.


Pulp and particle aseptic line

Choose between a single or dual streamline according to your priorities. Single stream is a simpler configuration requiring a lower investment. Dual streams require a higher investment, but lead to a better quality end product. We also offer an in between solution, in which particles are added after deaeration and homogenization (patent pending) which enables some flexibility at a mid-level investment.